We need not conquer the sense organs one by one, nor need we run away from all objects of sense fascinations. Control the mind : and then go wherever you will. With shoes one can walk over thorny bushes and stony slopes. You are protected from them all. Conquer your mind, then you are insured against everything, everywhere, at all times.

A meditative must thus direct is attention consequently in capturing the wild mind and taming it to obey his own pure decisions and sattwic commands. Once the mind is conquered all else is conquered.

A conquered mind is called "pure mind"in Vedanta [Suddha Antahkarana], and it is a mental-equipment which is not agitated by every passing mood of passion, or is disturbed by every fascinating object that comes across it.

A pure mind has less agitations--but there are agitations still in it. We are--through following ethical and moral codes of conduct, through the cultivation of devotion to the Lord, through worship and prayers, penance and surrender unto Him, through study and reflection, dispassion and meditation upon Self--striving to bring our mind into a quiet and total silence, and the quieter the mind gets, the more conquered the mind becomes.  


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